SCHH ARC “This & That” — January 28, 2025
de WB1DXN, ARC President Daryl Borgman
Since becoming President of the SCHH ARC, I have learned a lot in short time. However, I still know little. There is a small core of people who are always there doing something for the club. Some may be doing small things that I am not aware of at this time. I was one of those who liked to stay in the background if I could.
That small group of people is not a clique. They like what they are doing and doing what they like. But that doesn’t mean that more help is not needed.
Any club needs all the help it can get! And yours is very welcome.
Please get involved in one way or another. Our collective efforts will add up to better experiences for all members.
Instead of always smelling the flowers, help with the nurturing of of the flowers or even planting of the seed and growing those flowers!
WB1DXN Daryl
Winter Field Day Cancelled – Mother Nature Wins
The saying “A picture is worth 1000 words” comes to mind.

The winter storm that hit our region last week forced the closure of Sun City Hilton Head including all amenities through Saturday, January 25th.
The “thaw and refreeze ” cycle after the storm has continued to keep the Lake Somerset area unfit for a Winter Field Day, or most other things for that matter. Perhaps cross-country skiing would have been OK!
Our co-chairs — Bob Officer (WA6WAY) and Harve Hnatiuk (KB3FW) made the call to cancel the event after much consideration.
ARRL Field Day will be here before we know it! In the interim, the club may organize a POTA activation in the next month or two. Stay tuned!
What Did You Do With Your Snow Day(s)?
It is not often around these parts when a winter storm keeps people in their homes for a day or two (or more!). The snow/sleet/freezing rain attack by Mother Nature gave us a chance to catch up on a few things or continue some progress on longer-term projects.
Here is a sampling of what some of our SCHH ARC members did during the aftermath of the 2025 snowstorm or, in one instance, what a member was doing many miles from here!
Thanks for all the responses! If any were missed, please let Harve know ( and we will get them into next week’s edition of This & That.
Chuck Nehonsky, W8NCA:
“This morning, I continued my journey toward the amateur Radio ARES class on ARRL. They expect you to complete your FEMA ICS 100 and ICS 700 course . I completed ICS 100 today and took the test. I actually just received my certificate. The test was tougher than I expected.
Back to the 881 Pico class homework (Charlie Bess is teaching).”
Chip Miller, KQ4JKI:
“Lazy day.
Made a dent in the “honey do” list.
Had FT-8 running for a couple of hours. Made several QSOs in South America and Europe.
Even got in a nap.”
Bob Kehoe, WB3H:
“Worked FT8 across the bands with my new Icom 7300. Racked up a lot of countries even with a modest antenna and running 50 watts.”
Bill Albro, K3WPA:
“Did nothing on the radio – continue to unpack and sort and read – played a game with wife and daughter who was home since school was not teaching.”
Bob Kennedy, N0DQD:
“I spent it in Tahiti, flying around BoraBora!
81 degrees and sunny!”

Frank Pollino, K2OS:
“I have been assembling an amateur satellite station over the past month. I was hoping to use it during Winter Field Day and I needed to deploy it to assure it would be successful. On Thursday, I set up the 145 Mhz uplink antenna in the backyard and the 435 Mhz downlink antenna near the front entrance of the house. The pictures show the 145 Mhz turnstile antenna with a screen reflector and the 435 Mhz eggbeater antenna. The antennas and receive preamps are homebrew. The radio used is a Kenwood TS-2000X. There was a RS-44 satellite pass on Thursday afternoon. It was fun to make three CW QSOs during the 20 minute pass into Mexico, Ohio and California. It was a great way to spend a “Snow Day”. I can’t wait to use it for our SCHHARC Summer Field Day.”

Ken Finke, KN8F:
“Besides being bored, I configured ham radio software to allow me to key my transceiver and send voice messages. That took a lot longer than expected.
It works great using both DXLab and N1MM+ software. HRD does not seem to support that feature.
Now instead of calling CQ or sending my call, I just press a function key.
Great for contests or calling DX in a pileup.”
Sherwin Tames, W4QNW:
“You ask about our snow day….
bottom line….we made it….
despite every curve ball thrown at us
a) Wednesdy morning…left Havana on schedule 10:45 to MIA
b) checked in at our gate for the connecting flite
back to SAV at 3:30p
deteriorating weather condx.”
Sherwin DID make it home but it was a long and arduous journey. Had it included a stint on a railroad, his experience might be used to develop a sequel to the Steve Martin/John Candy movie from years ago.
Emergency Preparedness Task Force Update
The SCHH ARC Emergency Preparedness Task Force met on January 14th to discuss the results of the recent survey about this topic and to begin planning what we as hams in Sun City can do to help our community during storm-related outages to normal power and communications.
A presentation of the results of the 2024 Emergency Preparedness Survey had 23 respondents, nearly 40 per cent of our club’s members. Twelve of the respondents are part of the Task Force. Eleven of the twelve Task Force members participated in the Zoom.
Here are some ideas that came out of the meeting:
- ARC members could do “health and welfare” checks as requested by DFRS or the BCSD and text contacts with the county Emergency Management Center.
- The ARC/Task Force could provide local authorities and Securitas with a list of ARC contacts that is periodically updated. We could look to conduct operational tests with local entities.
- Establish relationships with the counties (Jasper and Beaufort) emergency response officials as soon as possible.
- In no way should we try to insert our ARC into an emergency situation if we have not already forged a relationship with the local authorities.
- Reach out to Jim Campbell, KB9LX of the Beaufort radio club, who is the ARRL Emergency Coordinator for Beaufort County. Ask him to join us on our next Zoom meeting so that we can collaborate and integrate our efforts.
- Once we establish our plan and capabilities, get the word out to people who may not know that they are interested in these efforts.
- Leverage the establishment of this Task Force to re-attempt to reconnect with the Bluffton Township Fire District.
The Task Force will meet again at Noon on February 4th on Zoom. It is hoped that Jim Campbell, KB9LX, from the Beaufort Radio Amateur Group will join us to share BRAG’s experiences in emergency communications operations.
Members of the task force include Dan McLaughlin (K4DNY), Jack Frisch (K2ITZ), Bob Kehoe (WB3H), Harve Hnatiuk KB3FW), Bob Officer (WA6WAY), Tom Grodt (WA2PMY), Lonnie Trotta (AD2LT), Bob McCormick (KD8IH), Lon Seward (WB4KSG), Chip Miller (KQ4JKI), Chuck Nehonsky (W8NCA), and Bill Albro (K3WPA).
What’s Coming Up?
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 — Emergency Preparedness Task Force Zoom, 12 Noon. Task Force members only.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 – Next 10m SSB Net, 28.450 MHz, 8 PM.
Thursday, February 6, 2025 — Tour of SCTV and General Membership Meeting, Pinckney Hall. More info will be included in next week’s This & That.
Please keep our nets alive and well by checking in when you can.
Can you help our nets by being a Net Control Station?
We have two regular net control stations…a third and fourth net control station would really help lighten the load. Please consider giving it a shot!!!
Weekly SCHH ARC Nets
Sunday’s Net (8 PM) operates on 147.550 MHz simplex on the last two Sundays of the calendar month. The Sunday net will be on the KE4HAM repeater (147.135 + with a tone of 91.5 on both the input and the output) on all other Sundays of the calendar month. Check-in can be done even if you don’t have a radio up and running via EchoLink by using the link KE4HAM-L when the net is on SIMPLEX and KE4HAM-R when the net is on the SCHH Okatie Repeater.
Wednesday‘s Net (8 PM) operates through the KK4ONF/Jasper repeater, 147.060+. The net can be accessed via EchoLink using the link KE4HAM-R.
Next 10m SSB Net: Currently set for Tuesday, February 4th at 8 PM on 28.450 Upper Sideband. Net Control will be K2OS, Frank Pollino.
Net Control Stations and EchoLink Coordinator
Thanks to our regular 2m Net Controls: Frank Pollino, K2OS; and Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW.
Thanks to Bob, WA6WAY, for being an alternate Net Control Station and 10m Net Coordinator..
Thanks to Ron Frick, AI4HH, for working diligently to keep EchoLink up and running for our nets.
Net Control Schedule:
— Wednesday, January 29, 2025 @ 8 PM: Frank Pollino, K2OS (KK4ONF Jasper County Repeater)
— Sunday, February 2, 2025 @ 8 PM ET: Frank Pollino, K2OS (KE4HAM Okatie Repeater)
SCHH ARC Net Reports:
Thanks to ALL who checked in to our SCHH ARC nets last week.
If you have the time, please check into our club’s nets on a regular basis.
Last week’s check-ins and traffic:.
— Wednesday, January 22: KE4HAM/KB3FW, AI4HH, WA6WAY, K2OS, KQ4WRW/M, W1ZZ, KQ4JKI, WB1DXN, AA4KK. QNI=9, QTC=0.
— Sunday, January 26: KE4HAM/KB3FW, AI4HH, WA6WAY, KJ4BSM, K2ITZ, KQ4JKI, K2OS, WB1DXN. QNI=8, QTC=0.
Note: QNI = Number of Check-ins to the net, including Net Control; QTC = Traffic handled (Radiograms).
Other Operating
Daily — Monitor the new KE4HAM Repeater: 147.135 MHz + with a tone of 91.5. You may get some good DX spots from time to time and other members may be there if you want to connect/chat.