SCHH ARC “This & That” — October 29, 2024
Update From the Nominating Committee
It is anticipated that a full slate of 2025 chapter officers will be presented to the club for election at November 7th’s Membership Meeting.
Thank you to all members who have expressed interest in being our club’s leadership in the coming year.
Thank you to the Nominating Committee: Bob Officer, WA6WAY, Chair; Ron Frick, AI4HH; Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW.
Have a Happy Halloween!
You never know who is at the other end of a QSO!

10m SSB Net Update
Bob Officer, WA6WAY, has volunteered to lead the creation of a 10m SSB net. The net will most likely be conducted on a monthly basis. More details will follow.
Thank you, Bob!
Emergency Preparedness and Operation Poll – Closed
Our Emergency Preparedness and Operation Poll can be considered as Closed as of Monday, October 28th.
We had 21 responses to the poll…about one-third of our membership, which is very good participation.
Results are being tallied and analyzed as a first step toward organizing a task force to develop the SCHH ARC’s plan.
A quick scan of the responses show that we have 9 members interested in being a part of the task force, which is excellent!
A complete discussion of the results of the poll will be presented at either the January 2025 membership meeting or during a Zoom Meeting of the club that is dedicated to this topic. Please stay tuned!
For now, thanks to all who participated in the poll: AD5EN, KQ4JKI, KB3H, WA8NLX, K2ITZ, KD8IH, KQ4LCK, K4DNY, W1ZZ, KB3FW, WA2MZB, AI4HH, KQ4KOO, KB3VOD, K2OS, WB1DXN, WA2PMY, WB4KSG, WD2LT, Sharon McFetridge, and WB3CBO.
If you did not participate in the poll but would like to get involved in putting together our plan, please contact Harve, KB3FW (
Lunch With Mike, F1PBZ
Ken Finke, KN8F, and Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW enjoyed a nice lunch with Mike Moulin, F1PBZ, earlier this month at First Watch in Bluffton. Mike showed photos of his equipment and antennas and even showed us what 6 meters FT8 was doing back in France by remotely connecting to his station there.
Mike and his family visit HHI every year and we look forward to visiting with him next year when he is in the area. He reached out to Harve to meet after having a few QSOs on FT8 with him in the past years.
He provided the photo below of him (on the left) and his son doing some biking on the beach on Hilton Head.

More recently, Mike followed up with Ken and Harve to let them know that their QSL cards were on his wall back in Burgundy!

QSL Card of the Week
Ken and Harve made it onto Mike’s wall in France.
Mike’s QSL card has made it into Ken’s and Harve’s collection and into “This & That” as our QSL Card of the Week! Thanks, Mike!

Upcoming Meetings and Events
Thursday, November 7th, 7 PM – November Membership Meeting, Bayside Room, Lakehouse. Program by W0YK: “How To RTTY”. ARC Elections will be held during the General Membership Meeting that follows. Approval of the ARC’s updated By Laws will also be on the agenda.
Thursday, December 5th, 6:30 PM – SCHH ARC Annual Holiday Dinner Gathering, Jameson’s at Hidden Cypress. Dutch Treat, spouses and guests welcome. More details to follow!
SCHH ARC Nets – A Near-Record Group Last Wednesday!
This past Wednesday’s net threatened to surpass our recent record of 17 check-ins but fell two short. It was a great net that was orchestrated by Frank Pollino, K2OS (net control), and Ron Frick, AI4HH (EchoLink coordinator).
We welcomed a new member to our ARC who checked into the net: Chuck, W8NCA!
Thanks to all who checked into our nets last week.!
Weekly SCHH ARC Nets
Sunday’s Net (8 PM) operates on 147.550 MHz simplex on the last two Sundays of the calendar month. The Sunday net will be on the KE4HAM repeater (147.135 + with a tone of 91.5 on both the input and the output) on all other Sundays of the calendar month. Check-in can be done even if you don’t have a radio up and running via EchoLink by using the link KE4HAM-L when the net is on SIMPLEX and KE4HAM-R when the net is on the SCHH Okatie Repeater.
Wednesday‘s Net (8 PM) operates through the KK4ONF/Jasper repeater, 147.060+. The net can be accessed via EchoLink using the link KE4HAM-R.
Net Control Stations and EchoLink Coordinator
Thanks to our regular Net Controls: Bob Officer, WA6WAY; Frank Pollino, K2OS; and Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW.
Thanks to Ron Frick, AI4HH, for working diligently to keep EchoLink up and running for our nets.
These are our nets. Please enjoy them. They are very special and give us the opportunity to connect with each other on a regular basis while testing our equipment’s connectivity capabilities.
Please keep our nets alive and well by checking in when you can.
Net Control Schedule:
— Wednesday, October 30 @ 8 PM ET: Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW (JASPER COUNTY REPEATER)
— Sunday, November 3 @ 8 PM ET Bob Officer, WA6WAY (KE4HAM OKATIE REPEATER)
If you are interested in being a Net Control, please let Harve know.
SCHH ARC Net Reports:
Thanks to ALL who checked in to our SCHH ARC nets last week.
If you have the time, please check into our club’s nets on a regular basis.
Last week’s check-ins and traffic:
— Sunday, October 27: KE4HAM/WA6WAY, AI4HH, KJ4BSM, K2ITZ, KB3FW, N0DQD, KQ4JKI, WB1DXN. QNI=8. QTC=0.
Note: QNI = Number of Check-ins to the net, including Net Control; QTC = Traffic handled (Radiograms).
Other Operating
Daily — Monitor the new KE4HAM Repeater: 147.135 MHz + with a tone of 91.5. You may get some good DX spots from time to time and other members may be there if you want to connect/chat.Edit