The Coastal Amateur Radio Society currently operates the open repeaters listed below:
147.3300+ pl 203.5 – W4LHS
This repeater is located on the WSAV TV Tower on Victory Drive (Lat/Lon: 32 2′ 49″ N, 81 4′ 41″ W) and provides good coverage to most areas of Chatham County; with the best coverage being to the downtown and East side areas of Savannah. In addition to hosting the CARS Sunday evening net, this repeater also serves as the back-up ARES repeater for Chatham County.
147.2100+ pl 210.7 – W4LHS
This repeater is located on the top of the Talmidge Bridge (Lat/Lon: 32 5′ 21″ N, 81 5′ 55″ W) in downtown Savannah. It provides excellent coverage to downtown Savannah and is the repeater of choice when we participate in events held downtown.
442.7000+ – W4LHS
The CARS UHF repeater, also located on the WSAV TV tower on Little Neck Road (Lat/Lon: 32 3′ 32″ N, 81 17′ 54″ W). The antenna for this repeater sits at about 850 ft., making it the highest repeater antenna in the Savannah area. It provides excellent coverage to much of Chatham, Bryan, and Effingham Counties around Savannah and points further South along Highway 95. When conditions are good, it can even be accessed as far South as Brunswick, GA in Glynn County.
146.9700- pl 123.0
This is the first of two repeaters CARS acquired as part of the shutdown of the Amateur Radio Club of Savannah (ARCS). For many years it has been to primary repeater in the Savannah area and provides excellent coverage to most of Chatham County, Effingham and Bryan Counties. It is located on the WJCL tower on the West side of Savannah. This repeater serves as the primary repeater for the local ARES group and hosts an ARES net every Thursday evening starting at 8:00 pm. When CARS acquired this repeater, it was decided that the club would honor the long tradition of amateur radio the ARCS club provided to the Savannah area by maintaining the ARCS call sign, W4HBB on this repeater.
1282.74 -12.0000 KK4SGC A
440.5875 +5.0000 KK4SGC B
144.9400 +2.5000 KK4SGC C
D-Star repeater system in Savannah, GA. Located on the local government tower on Kerry St. (roughly between Memorial Hospital and Grayson Stadium, seen from the Truman Parkway), it offers 1.2 GHz, 70cm, and 2m nodes.
442.8125 +5.0000 K4VYX DMR
Savannah DMR.