Replies0Voices1February 19, 2024 at 11:20AC4DHCongratulations to Terry, N8HZV, for upgrading to General. Terry took advantage of the FCC regulation that provides credit for the General written exam to Technician license holders who were originally licensed prior to 1987. Look…View Topic

Replies0Voices1November 28, 2023 at 12:15w4qnwCONGRATULATIONS to all that have and continue to produce a most informative THIS AND THAT. You;re contributions to the growth of our SCHHARC is greatly appreciated and I look forward to each addition.View Topic

Replies0Voices1November 4, 2023 at 12:20AC4DHPlease welcome Tessa Passmore, KQ4MFX, as our newest Ham. Tessa successfully passed the Technician Exam Thursday afternoon. Tessa joins her husband, an Amateur Extra, in our great hobby.View Topic

Replies0Voices1September 22, 2022 at 10:52AC4DHThe club sponsored a VE session on Wednesday, September 21 with one candidate successfully completing the exam for his Technician license. A total of 5 VEs from the club supported the exam session—thanks to all.…View Topic

Replies2Voices2May 24, 2022 at 12:00ad5enWhat would the club think about having a contest to create a new club QSl card? An example of a card can be found here:!Av-ho2PixHcDnL9z7E9zZGH2TVKCqw?e=KiourS I’ll bring it up at the club meeting, but…View Topic

Replies0Voices1May 18, 2022 at 19:37AC4DHCongratulations to our three new hams and our upgraded extra! Paul Jones (Sun City resident), Joao Lima and Steven Adams successfully completed the exam for Technician. John Commins (Sun City resident) is our newest Amateur…View Topic