September 26, 2023 Weekly This & That Newsletter

October 7th Club Fair Plans Coming Together!

Plans for the October 7th Chartered Club Fair have taken a turn for the better!

Ron Frick, AI4HH, will lead our efforts for the Fair. A solid team is lining up with Ron to make this event a successful and enjoyable experience. We plan to set up outside the Pinckney Hall exit that leads to the beautiful SCHH Town Square courtyard. The photo below shows our table from a year or two ago.

Past SCHH Club Fair Table…What Will This Year’s Table Look Like?

Club members, in addition to Ron, who have volunteered to help are (to date): Ed Stratton (W1ZZ), Frank Pollino (K2OS), Bob McCormick (KD8IH), Jim Shaner (NH6BS), and Harve Hnatiuk (KB3FW). Anyone else? Please let Ron know

The Club Fair begins at 10 AM on Saturday, October 7th, and ends at 2 PM. Help will be needed at 9 AM for set up and after 2 PM for take-down as well as for being a “radio ambassador” during the Fair to meet and socialize with fellow SCHH residents. More details will be included in next week’s “This and That”.

October 5th Membership Meeting at Hidden Cypress Features 160m Antenna

Not too many of us have operated on 160 meters…certainly not since getting to SCHH!

This is not from Rick’s station.

But, it can be done. Want to learn how? Come to our Membership Meeting on October 5th to see a presentation by Rick Garan, WA8NLX.

The meeting will be at Hidden Cypress with a tee time of 7 PM.

The monthly Membership Meeting will begin after Rick’s presentation.

Hope to see you there!


We all talk about Amps of load, etc. Here is some info about the man who is still “current”.

Don’t get too “amped up” when you read this!


How about some creative answers to this: What does this cable know that I don’t??? Please send to Harve at

QSL Card of the Week

Thanks to Jack Frisch, K2ITZ, for sending this card.

Looking for more QSLs from our members…please email a .JPEG to Harve at hnat463@gnail,com.

Future Club Activities and Events

ARRL EME Contest

From the Earth to the Moon and Back! Frank Pollino, K2OS, is leading this effort for the Club. More details the contest can be found here. Current plans are to operate from Lake Somerset on the afternoon of Saturday, November 25th. More details will follow when we get into late October/early November. So please stay tuned!

Club Website

Click here to get to the Club’s website:  If you notice any errors or have site-related questions, email:


Sunday NET (8 PM) operates on 147.550 MHz simplex and EchoLink node: KE4HAM – L

Wednesday Nets (8 PM) operates from KK4ONF/Jasper repeater, 147.060+ and EchoLink node: KE4HAM-R

Thanks to our regular Net Controls: Bob Officer, WA6WAY; Russ Treadwell, N1ZK; and Harve Hnatiuk, KB3FW.

Thanks to Ron Frick, AI4HH, for keeping the nets on EchoLink.

Net Control Schedule:

— Wednesday, September 27, 8 PM EDT: Russ Treadwell, N1ZK

— Sunday, October 1, 8 PM EDT: Bob Officer, WA6WAY

If you are interested in being a Net Control, please let Ron or Harve know.

Being a net control does not require a huge station or large antenna…just a solid signal, a positive attitude, and a willingness to facilitate communication. There are many in our club that meet those qualifications!

SCHH ARC Net Reports:

Last week’s check-ins and traffic:

— Wednesday, September 20: KE4HAM/KB3FW (Net Control), AI4HH, K2ITZ,AA4KK, AD5EN, WA6WAY, KQ4JKI, W1ZZ. QNI=8, QTC=0.

— Sunday, September 24: KE4HAM/WA6WAY (Net Control), AI4HH, AA4KK, KB3FW, KQ4JKI, . QNI=5, QTC=0.

Note – QNI = Number of Check-ins to the net, including Net Control; QTC = Traffic handled (Radiograms).

Please check into our nets when you can. The nets are informative and interesting and foster club camaraderie.

Other Operating:

Daily —  DX spotting and open chat 24/7 on 147.550 MHz simplex and the Jasper Repeater, 147.060+ (no Echolink).

KB3FW – SCHH ARC President