2022-01-11 Weekly SCHH Ham Club This and That
2022 club survey
Click on this link to provide your input to the club activities in 2022
Items of Interest:
Samuel Morse Starts a Communications Revolution
As a young man, Samuel Morse set out to become a famous painter. His ambition was “to rival the genius of a Raphael, a Michelangelo, or a Titian.” He studied at the Royal Academy in London and won acclaim by painting portraits of men such as President James Monroe and the Marquis de Lafayette.
In 1832, onboard a ship crossing the ocean, Morse heard another passenger describe how electricity could pass instantly over any length of wire. He began to wonder: Could messages be sent over wires with electricity? He rushed back to his cabin, took out his drawing book, and began to sketch out his idea for a telegraph.
He knew little about electricity, but he learned as he went. He used a homemade battery and parts from an old clock to build his first models. He developed a code of long and short electrical impulses – “dots” and “dashes” – to represent letters. His invention raised the interest of Alfred Vail, a machinist who became his partner.
On January 6, 1838, the inventors were ready to test their device over two miles of wire at the Vail family ironworks in New Jersey. Vail’s father scribbled “A patient waiter is no loser” on a piece of paper and handed it to his son. “If you can send this and Mr. Morse can read it at the other end, I shall be convinced,” he said. A short time later, his words came out on the receiving end.
On May 24, 1844, an amazed crowd in the Supreme Court chambers in Washington, D.C., watched Samuel Morse demonstrate his telegraph by sending a message over a wire to Baltimore, 35 miles away. In Morse code, he tapped out a quote from the Bible: What hath God wrought!
Soon telegraph lines linked countries and continents, and the world entered the age of modern communication.
An article on loading short vertical monopole antennas, representing six different methods. Base loading, Center Loading, Top Loading, Continuous loading, half and half loading and capacitive top loading.
Operating item of interest:
The ARRL January VHF Contest, takes place on January 15 and 16. Operation on any amateur band 50 MHz and above is allowed an any authorized mode. Whether you prefer CW, phone, or one of the newer digital modes, there are plenty of ways for hams of all experience levels to participate in the event.

The next membership meeting will be face-to-face at the Lakehouse Bayside room on February 3rd at 7 PM. More information to follow…
January 29th (the same day as winter field day) we will be having a gathering at the Club storage area, between 11 and noon. The location of this is near the RV park (by the water tower) on 170 between the Dell Webb Blvd entrance and the back Sun City Blvd Entrance. Drive all the way back to the water tower and there will be a Spectrum building beside it. The actual address is: 26 Okatie Maintenance Yard, Okatie, SC 29909
Club Website:
The URL is https://www.ke4ham.org. If you notice any errors or have site-related questions, email: webmaster@ke4ham.org.
Wednesday Nets (8 PM) operates from KK4ONF/Jasper repeater, 147.060+ and Echolink node: KE4HAM-R
Sunday NET (8 PM) operates on 147.550 MHz simplex and Echolink node:
Other operating:
Daily — DX spotting and open chat 24/7 on 147.550 MHz simplex and the Jasper Repeater, 147.060+ (no Echolink).AD5EN – SCHH Amateur Radio Club President 2022