2023-05-02 Weekly This & That Newsletter

Last Chance!

This is your last chance to upgrade your license with help from the club. The club is offering a one time $5 subsidy to members who take any level Amateur Radio Exam at a special exam session on Wednesday, May 3 in the Bayside Room.

Pre-registration is easy, but required to take the exam in our new electronic exam environment. Call Dennis, AC4DH, 207-350-1350 or email at AC4DH@arrl.net to receive instructions on registering and other useful information.

C.A.R.S. 2023 Hamfest and Swapmeet

The Coastal Amateur Radio Society had their annual Hamfest and Swapmeet at the Savannah Airport Rec Center last Saturday. SCHHARC was very well represented there. Bob Officer, WA6WAY, had a table where he offered a carload of equipment previously donated to our club. He reports a very successful day! He’ll provide full results and details at our next meeting.

Items of interest

The USA’s Worldwide Listening Ear
This antenna system could locate HF transmissions anywhere on the planet.

Military reliance on HF on the rise?
HF, unlike landline connections and submarine cables, cannot be blocked.


May the Forth Be With You!

For Star Wars Day

Meetings and activities

The next meeting will be on Star Wars Day, May 4th at 7PM at the Lakehouse.

Our program will be from DX Engineering’s Tim Duffy, K3LR, on “Grounding and Bonding”. The program will begin at 7 PM with the Membership Meeting to follow.

Zoom Info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86434622351?pwd=VkVPNFd2emk4RkIxRU51djRPdmZhQT09
Meeting ID: 864 3462 2351 Passcode: 551839

Club website

The URL is https://www.ke4ham.org.  If you notice any errors or have site-related questions, email: webmaster@ke4ham.org.


Sunday NET (8 PM) operates on 147.550 MHz simplex and Echolink node: KE4HAM – L

Wednesday Nets (8 PM) operates from KK4ONF/Jasper repeater, 147.060+ and Echolink node: KE4HAM-R

Other operating:

Daily —  DX spotting and open chat 24/7 on 147.550 MHz simplex and the Jasper Repeater, 147.060+ (no Echolink).

AD5EN – SCHH Past President
N1ZK – Webmaster